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戦国Ⅰ「中の院家文書」(文正元年)一四六六年 (Naka no In Household Documents, 1st year of Bunshō, 1466)


戦国Ⅰ「中の院家文書」(文正元年)一四六六年 (Naka no In Household Documents, 1st year of Bunshō, 1466)
加賀の國額田の庄・加納八田の庄の事、早く直務を爲る之上は、當知行之旨に任せ、領掌相違を有るべからず之状の件の如し、  文正元年五月十九日(p.404)                御判(足利義政) 中の院大納言殿                    ○コノ文書、紙背二治部貞                                           兼及ビ諏訪忠通ノ花押アリ、

This is yet another instruction from the Bakufu to Naka no In, thus appointing him as direct owner over both Nukata no Shō and Hatta no Shō. It`s possible that the re-appearance of these documents is testament to the fact that they were copied and then distributed to daikan and other shōen residents in order to prove the legitimacy of the Naka no In claim to ownership.

© Greg Pampling. This page was modified in December 2011